A month later, military headquarters receive an investigative report regarding the mysterious object and decides to order one of the men working at the dig on a clandestine mission. The mysterious object is then transferred under absolute secrecy to a research facility for further study. The military quickly calls special forces into action and the entire area is completely sealed off. While undergoing geological research in preparation for the development of natural resources, an anomalous object is discovered below the permafrost. Story Prologue (In-Game Text) A frozen land buried in dense sub-arctic forests. Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection (PSP) screenshot: Dragunov VS Dragunov The two have fought long and hard against each other, and the two are very well bitter against the other's tactics. One thing that has characterized Dragunov well is his ongoing rivalry with Raven. He is most well-known for his incredible silence, not speaking a single word of dialogue to nearly every character. As a fearsome soldier, Dragunov has incredible perception skills, as well as an extremely professional and intimidating presence.

Incredibly stoic, Dragunov will almost never show emotion, but this does not deter him from snarking over Raven's mistakes. With the Mishima Zaibatsu waging war against the world, Dragunov was sent to apprehend its leader, Jin Kazama. Eventually, Dragunov enters the fifth tournament in order to find the mysterious entity sighted by his leaders, but comes up short. His frightening reputation was even mentioned by Zafina, hinting a previous encounter between the two. Prior to the appearance of an unknown entity, Dragunov was constantly at odds with Raven, during one of their battles, Dragunov would wound Raven, causing the man to have the cross shaped scar on his face. He loyally follows his orders and carries them out without hesitation.

Well feared, Dragunov was part of Russia's Special Operations unit, or SPETSNAZ, and could utilize not only his Sambo skills, but also multiple types of firearms such as guns loaded with tear gas, and even grenades. Sergei Dragunov ( Russian: Сергей Драгунов Japanese: セルゲイ・ドラグノフ Serugei Doragunofu) was introduced in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection, and has returned to every subsequent games.Įxtremely ruthless when dealing with his motherland's enemies, Dragunov was dubbed, "The White Angel of Death", for not only his fighting prowess, but also for his frightening presence within battle.